Friday, October 29, 2010

MISS 'S'....

after two months of staying home and doing nothing,now i'm back in action....hehehehehe. a lot of things had happened to me throughout these two months. one of it would be i'd turned 18 just a few weeks ago. since i'm officially 18 now, there are a lot of things in me that should have been changed by me. one of it would be my attitude. as what my parents had been saying to me before this, i should have change my attitude once i'm 18 and i should have at least try to behave like an adult and not a kids anymore. another thing that should have been changed would be the way i'm thinking. i'm going to start thinking as an adult after this and a lot of people keep on emphasising to me that 18 would be the ideal age to start my very own love life....really??IT'S NONSENSE!!~~~ hahahahaha....and just two days after turning 18, i had to pack my things up and say goodbye to my lovely house and hello to KUIS...on that very particular day that i had to leave Alor Setar, i had a mix feeling, happy but at the same time sad : ((..... as time pass by, i had managed once again to adapt myself with current life and it means that i had to face whatever that i had to here in KUIS including the so-called responsible miss 's'....she's the most irresponsible person that i've ever met so far which i really wish that i could just kick her away...although i've been trying my hardest to stay away from her,she keep on haunting me and keep on pissing me off!!! miss 's' a.k.a miss irresponsible who had been assigned by the someone to be such a nice and responsible senior was not doing her job well, and infact she's trying to ruin her reputation as a senior of mine (i think so...)....this particular sissy miss 's' might not know me well. i may look and be nice, but please do not challenge me to do something bad my dear miss 's' as i'm seriously capable on doing bad things. and on more thing that you should bear in mind miss 's', i hold grudge for such a long time...if you keep on treating me like this, i'll treat you as how i treat the cause of my appendicitis,chillies, which is by EATING it~~!!! muahahahahah..... so,the conclusion would be, I'M EXTREMELY STRESSED AND IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF YOU MISS 'S'!!!! you've did this to me before and and now you did it for the second time... if this couldn't be settled before the upcoming aidiladha, instead of having a cow for qurban, i would have you replacing the cow as the cow won't do anything harm towards me but you keep on inventing such a silly problem that at the end of the day, i'm the one who had to face the consequences of your stupidity and not you yourself!!!...and i won't hesitate of doing this if this matter remain unsettled. so to miss 's', please behave like a big sister,senior, and so on to me and the rest of your junior and i'm begging you, please stop being such a ridiculous person ever...and one more thing, please be a responsible person and do your job as sincere as you could as if you don't do so, you would only making you look like an imbecile .....

p/s: please pray to miss 's' that she would change herself before she got expossed and embarrassing herself infront of other people.....